Wing Chun Distance Learning programThe Distance Learning Program is designed to aid those with a desire to learn Wing Chun who do not have access to a school or instructor in their area. It is also an opportunity for students to become certified and recognized in accordance with the International Wing Chun Martial Art Association ranking system, which is a necessary first step for those who wish to become IWCMAA Certified Wing Chun Instructors.
Each level of the Distance Learning Program cover specific area of their respective arts which the student must learn and demonstrate proficiency. |
The First Step - Become a IWCMAA Member
Individuals who wish to participate in the Online Wing Chun Distance Learning Program and become a member should complete the Training Program Application form below and submit the $65 Online Registration fee to the IWCMAA Headquarters in Wyoming, MI.
(Tuition is not required, you pay only when you take the rank promotion test). Online Registration Now You will also want to purchase the training materials required for the Online Course. It is recommended that you purchase the Wing Chun Home Study Course or Wing Chun Master Level Home Study Course, both of which include all the materials you will require to complete the Wing Chun Distance Learning Program and provide a cost saving over purchasing the materials one at a time as you progress. note: 1. Wing Chun Home Study course - covered the entire Wing Chun system. 2. Master Level Home Study Course - Covered the entire Wing Chun system plus additional materials for advanced level study. |
Level I - Sil Lim Tau
Level II - Chum Kiu
Level III - Mok Jong Level 1
Level IV - Mok Jong Level 2
Level V - Lok Dim Boon Gwan
Level VI - Biu Gee
Level VII - Bak Jom Dao