Wing Chun Online - Mok Yan Jong Level I
Wing Chun Mok Yan Jong (wooden dummy) set, which contains numerous practical fighting applications. The wooden dummy set contains practically all of Wing Chun's hand and foot technique and fighting principles and represents the culmination of the empty hand techniques. The Mok Yan Jong is the only hand set that utilizes an external apparatus,. The construction and configuration of the arms and legs of the Wooden Dummy are truly ingenious. Consistent practice develops strength in the arms, wrist, legs, and develops sticking and striking energy and other Wing Chun attributes.
Lesson 1 - Mok Yan Jong section 1a, Minimize transition time to gain speed. Rooting concept to gain energy.
Lesson 2 - Mok Yan Jong section 1b, Closing the gap. Sil Lim Tau, Chum Kiu applications.
Lesson 3 - Mok Yan Jong section 2a, Body positioning to ward off attack.
Lesson 4 - Mok Yan Jong section 2b, Create distance for kicking.
Lesson 5 - Mok Yan Jong section 3a, Concept of elbow energy. Two hands Chi Sau applications.
Lesson 6 - Mok Yan Jong section 3b, Use body weight to maximize energy.
Duration for each lesson - 30 minutes
Tuition for this Level - $195
Schedule lessons and pay tuition - Contact Master Chan
Lesson 1 - Mok Yan Jong section 1a, Minimize transition time to gain speed. Rooting concept to gain energy.
Lesson 2 - Mok Yan Jong section 1b, Closing the gap. Sil Lim Tau, Chum Kiu applications.
Lesson 3 - Mok Yan Jong section 2a, Body positioning to ward off attack.
Lesson 4 - Mok Yan Jong section 2b, Create distance for kicking.
Lesson 5 - Mok Yan Jong section 3a, Concept of elbow energy. Two hands Chi Sau applications.
Lesson 6 - Mok Yan Jong section 3b, Use body weight to maximize energy.
Duration for each lesson - 30 minutes
Tuition for this Level - $195
Schedule lessons and pay tuition - Contact Master Chan
Wing Chun Online - Mok Yan Jong Level II
Lesson 1 - Mok Yan Jong section 4a, Biu Gee applications and concepts.
Lesson 2 - Mok Yan Jong section 4b, Effective way to apply palm strikes.
Lesson 3 - Mok Yan Jong section 5a, Offense and defense within a close distance.
Lesson 4 - Mok Yan Jong section 5b, Bon Sau to guide incoming force.
Lesson 5 - Mok Yan Jong section 6a, Shadow kick theories.
Lesson 6 - Mok Yan Jong section 6b, Leg sweep in close range.
Lesson 7 - Mok Yan Jong section 7a, Concept of continues attacks.
Lesson 8 - Mok Yan Jong section 7b, Borrow energy from opponent.
Duration for each lesson - 30 minutes
Tuition for this Level - $250
Schedule lessons and pay tuition - Contact Master Chan
Lesson 2 - Mok Yan Jong section 4b, Effective way to apply palm strikes.
Lesson 3 - Mok Yan Jong section 5a, Offense and defense within a close distance.
Lesson 4 - Mok Yan Jong section 5b, Bon Sau to guide incoming force.
Lesson 5 - Mok Yan Jong section 6a, Shadow kick theories.
Lesson 6 - Mok Yan Jong section 6b, Leg sweep in close range.
Lesson 7 - Mok Yan Jong section 7a, Concept of continues attacks.
Lesson 8 - Mok Yan Jong section 7b, Borrow energy from opponent.
Duration for each lesson - 30 minutes
Tuition for this Level - $250
Schedule lessons and pay tuition - Contact Master Chan